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Curating David Ogilvy

September 21, 20222 min read

David Ogilvy was the greatest advertising man to ever live. He started his work life as a chef. Afterwards,  he sold stoves door to door. Then he moved to New York, at age 38, and founded what would become one of the world’s largest advertising agencies, Ogilvy & Mather.

I believe there are lessons to be learned from the giants. Men and women like Zig Ziglar, Dale Carnegie, Mary Kay Ash and Clara Barton left more than just legend behind … they left knowledge.

The more we learn those lessons, and apply them, the better we do. Even in our “always on” 21st century lives.

Here then are a few articles I have selected for you to enjoy. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

Ten Tips on Writing

This article lays out David Ogilvy’s ten writing tips. He often said he was not a “good” writer, yet he created the ad that says that Dove is “1/4 cleansing cream” and other classics.

David Ogilvy Quotes

Adding quotes to your blog will help readers enjoy your blog more and cause them to stay longer. Both good things. I refer to Brainy Quotes often, and found these quotes by Ogilvy you might enjoy.

Ogilvy’s Renegade Management Style

Ogilvy was more than just a great ad writer or “creative” (a term he hated). He was a great manager too, taking Ogilvy & Mather from a start up to one of the largest ad agencies in the world, with over 90 offices worldwide.

From an investor’s point of view …

Are you an investor? Here is an interesting article about Ogilvy from the investor’s point of view.

Finally, a short video …

And finally, here is a short video featuring David Ogilvy in case you want to know more.

I hope you enjoy these resources. I’m re-reading Ogilvy on Advertising right now.

Ever read it?


Charlie Page
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Charlie Page

Helping people succeed online for over 23 years. Content marketing. Course creator.

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