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Blog Comments Survey – RESULTS ARE IN!

September 21, 20221 min read

A few days back I asked readers to answer a few questions on a survey about blog comments.

My goal with the survey was simple … I wanted to discover how to serve readers better and see if the ability to comment on posts mattered, was helpful or not helpful.

I asked only a few questions and the survey was anonymous.

As promised, here are the results.

I asked the following questions. A graphic of the answers are below each question.

Blog comments surveyBlog comments surveyBlog comments survey

The answers from the last question were interesting. While there are too many to share here, some of the top answers were …

  • I don’t have the time.

  • I don’t want to have to answer comments on my comment.

  • I don’t know enough to contribute.

  • Don’t want to be redundant to other peoples’ comments.

  • I don’t know how to blog.

As you can see, there are many reasons to not comment.

How can this apply to you?

Comments on blogs are at an all time low. If we want engagement with our content (and I do!) we need to ask for it. 

I’m going to be more deliberate and intentional about doing that.

Please understand, I love to get comments on my blog because it’s an opportunity to engage with you in a way I can’t otherwise. But I would never require comments, or be disappointed if someone chose to not comment.

Thank you for being a reader. Thank you for your time. And, whether you choose to comment or not, thank you for visiting my site.

Charlie Page
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Charlie Page

Helping people succeed online for over 23 years. Content marketing. Course creator.

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