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Create a Circle of Influence

September 17, 20225 min read

We meet many people in the course of our careers. Some we will get to know casually while others will become close friends and trusted allies.

Then there are those I call ‘centers of influence.’

These ‘centers of influence’ people are like the hub of a giant wheel.

As you look back, you can see where so very many good things, things like contacts, sales and help just when you needed it most, have come from this one person.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could know that a person was to become a “center of influence” in your life before it happened?

Here’s the good news… you can!!

In fact, we will see today that not only is developing such relationships possible, but that such relationships with influential people can be developed without greed or manipulation.

If developing a ‘center of influence’ relationship sounds good to you, and you want to develop it using win-win methods, today’s article is just for you!

Let’s begin with a short quiz. One question. No pressure.

What is the best type of advertising?

When asked this question many people answer “the kind that works!”

While no one can disagree with that, I submit that the BEST type of advertising is the one that is most overlooked.

I’m talking about word of mouth advertising.

While targeted email, banner ads, billboard ads, and even television ads all have their place, nothing compares to the power of word of mouth advertising.

Here’s why.

When one person tells another person about your product or service, the very fact that they are speaking about you constitutes an endorsement.

While people might not trust advertising (in fact, they don’t) they do trust people.

If Jane feels strongly enough about what you do to tell Jim, Jim will take notice even if Jane gets the facts wrong.

When Jane tells 15 or 20 Jims, she has become a center of influence.

This is exactly why no serious marketer can afford to overlook social networking for long.

Social networking is the perfect place to begin developing relationships – in fact, it’s all about relationships!

Unlike paid advertising, digital marketing for restaurants, or article marketing, social sites like Twitter, Facebook and more encourage dialog, not the usual sales letter monologue.

How can we develop a powerful word of mouth advertising campaign in our businesses?

By recognizing, developing and rewarding those people who can become a ‘center of influence’ in our lives.

It’s done in three steps. Let’s look at each step.

1. Recognition

In order to become a true center of influence, a person needs to be in regular contact with the type of people who can benefit from what you do.

This begs a critical question.

Do you know what your ideal prospect looks like?

Once you know, do this.

  • List the type of clients that you would like to have more of. List what makes them an ideal client for you (they need what you do, they are open to change, etc.)

  • Find common characteristics. Do these super clients go to the symphony, play golf, visit certain web sites, participate in online forums? As much as you can, be where they are.

  • Get to know them on their turf. Let them see you at events they attend. Volunteer to help their favorite charity. Make yourself visible. Before people will buy and recommend us, they need to get to know and TRUST us.

2. Development

This is NOT manipulation, but education.

Have you ever had someone you know buy what you sell from a competitor because they just didn’t know YOU sold it?

We are not at the top of people’s minds. They have kids, mortgages, college to pay for, as well as work pressures, just like you do.

We need to position ourselves at the top of their minds by being in constant contact. We have so many tools at our disposal for this purpose. Here are three to start with.

  • Send them an email once a month to announce something new in your business.

  • Phone them to say hello and announce your next big event. Ask them how they are first, and keep notes so you have a point of contact for the next call.

  • A personal note works very well for developing this type of relationship. Have you written a new article or been in the newspaper? Write a brief note and send it along. Notes take time, which shows that you value this relationship.

3. Reward

No, I am NOT talking about only money here. This relationship goes much deeper than that.

What I am saying is that, while you are getting to know them better and educating them about what you do, take the time to LISTEN to their needs.

When you can meet one of their needs, do it immediately, even if there is no immediate return for you.

This person is important to your business.

Don’t TELL them, SHOW them how important they are.

If this relationship does not include reciprocity, it will degenerate into a ‘what’s in it for me’ situation that will not stand the test of time.

Please understand that these relationships with influential people must be open and honest in order to work.

People like to help other people, especially those they know and trust.

Develop that trust relationship with people who are well positioned to help you. You must earn their referrals.

When you do, your marketing will become supercharged with what is clearly the best form of advertising … positive word of mouth.

And that is a beautiful thing indeed!

Charlie Page
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Charlie Page

Helping people succeed online for over 23 years. Content marketing. Course creator.

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